I am a PhD Student at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany advised by Bernhard Beckert at the Application-oriented Formal Verification group. My research interests lie at the intersection of (deductive) software and AI verification with a focus on applications in Cyber-Physical Systems and Algorithmic Fairness.
I previously obtained a M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from KIT and completed my Master’s Thesis in the Logical Systems Lab at Carnegie Mellon University under the supervision of André Platzer. During my bachelor studies I spent a year abroad at ENSIMAG (Grenoble, France) and participated in the CERN Openlab Summer Student Program (Geneva, Switzerland).
PhD Student in Computer Science, 2022-present
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Master's Thesis via interACT, 2022
Logical Systems Lab, Carnegie Mellon Univeristy
M.Sc. in Computer Science, 2020-2022
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
ERASMUS Exchange, 2017-2018
ENSIMAG, Grenoble
B.Sc. in Computer Science, 2015-2020
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
A Levels (Abitur), 2015
Oskar-von-Miller-Gymnasium, München
October 2020 - December 2020:
Development of counterSharp: A tool for the quantification of C-programs based on specification adherence.
Work published at QEST 2021 and also presented at the Model Counting Workshop 2022.
April 2021 - October 2021:
Development of a prototype for the quantiative reliability analysis of software coupling
architectural and code-level information.
Development of an export functionality for software from CernVM File System (CVMFS) into standalone images in cooperation with Nicholas Hazekamp, another intern in the group.
The results of our work are now part of CVMFS in the cvmfs_shrinkwrap
Used Technologies: C(++), Python
Information on the Project
Development of web applications and character or structure converters for various projects of the centre including “Biblia Hebraica Transcripta”, “VerbaAlpina”, “Coptic Ostraka Online, “Atlante linguistico digitale dell’Italia e della Svizzera meridionale”.
Used technologies: HTML, PHP, JavaScript, Java, SQL, WordPress